我的嘴唇一向都很乾燥,很容易脫皮。一乾烈脫皮,再好看的唇膏也難看死了。因此我對放在唇上的產品很有要求。CHANEL的唇部護理有兩款產品,今天先說說這個Hydramax + Active Nutrition Lip Care深層保濕修護唇霜(10g HK$300)。
下次再説説另外那款黑盒子Ultra Correction Lift系列的唇霜Highlight in English:
CHANEL has 2 special care treatment products for the lips.  One of them is the Hydramax + Active Nutrition Lip Care (10g HK$300).  It’s packaged in a square white container with the classic black lid.  The product itself in white color.  It melts on your lips when you apply with Q-tip.  Do have a gentle massage with the Q-tip, that’s really good in improving the texture, appearance & feeling of your lips, making them extremely smooth and moisturised.  My own experience is if you keep using it continuously, you can observe obvious improvement on your lips moisture balance even before you finish 1 box.  Good product.  



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