今天一早又好神心的走去CHANEL做facial,享受完那舒舒服服的按摩後,一覺醒來,準備走之際,忽然收到聖誕禮物。CHANEL的Year End Gift好有心思,是一個飄雪白色聖誕樹水晶球,聖誕樹上有金色logo ornament,聖誕樹下滿是CHANEL的禮物袋,簡直就是夢幻的白色聖誕。這意境要在夢中才有,一下子真的愛不釋手。黑色的禮物盒一打開,我禁不住的不停地說:「好靚啊!」
Highlight in English:
A year end gift from CHANEL, Snowflakes crystal ball with lots of CHANEL gifts & presents under the white CHANEL logo Christmas tree.  That’s a dream for Christmas.  What a big surprise.  Thank you CHANEL!


Year End Gifts from CHANEL:

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